Uliyah, Musrifatul and Hidayat, Abdul Aziz Alimul
Objective Structure Clinical Examination (OSCE) Based Teaching Material Development.
Advanced Science Letters , 23 (12).
pp. 521-523.
ISSN 1936-7317
Most of knowledge and skills competency of nursing students (73.2%) in Surabaya had not met the expectation of value in nursing practice. One of the possible efforts to overcome this problem is by preparing the teaching and learning process based on practice, mediated by objective structure clinical examination (OSCE)-based teaching material. This paper aimed at explaining the result of developing objective structure clinical examination (OSCE)based on teaching material for basic nursing course. The research design used research and development that based method paper was conducted in six stages namely introductory survey, initial-prototype development, product design, product validation, design revision, and research result description. The research used the samples of 240 students and 72 lecturers in Surabaya, Indonesia. The sampling technique used was simple random sampling. Data were collected by using questionnaires, and interviews. The result of research was teaching material for basic nursing contained. The teaching materials include: basic concepts and theories of nursing, basic nursing skills, case examples and nursing care, and OSCE exam practice questions. In the development of instructional materials, re-explanation of the basic concepts of nursing in teaching materials, and the presentation of the material briefly and shortly are needed. In addition, examples of OSCE-based on teaching materials that should be in the form of case study and completion in accordance with the OSCE and Competency Test are necessary. Suggestion that could be given that the result of basic nursing material development based on OSCE can be used in nursing basic learning as book enrichment can promote cognitive, affective and psychomotor abilities.
Keywords: Objective Structure Clinical Examination (OSCE), Nursing, Practice, Skill, Teaching, Material.
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