Hidayat, Abdul Aziz ALimul and Uliyah, Musrifatul
The Analysis of Growth and Development lnfants of Fishermen Family in the City of Surabaya.
In: the proceeding of 3 rd international nursing conference, , 17-19, Nopember, Yogyakarta.
The purpose of this research is to describe the gro\\'th and development of infants from the fisherman famiiies in Suraba)'a The area of this research is purposively chosen in district Kenjeran Surabaya Citr'. This research is done cross sectional with the subject of research on healthv cooperative infants during the assessment rvilh the parents involved. Grouttr test is done b-v obsening the gro*.th curv-e (KMS) and the development using Denver Developmant Screening Test II (DDST II) r'hich uses 4 development aspects. They are development of fine motor. gross motor. language and social skills, with 145 samples of infants thal meet the criteria of inclusron The result of the research is that 36 of infants (24,8o/") of the gro*th disorder. language development delal' | (O,7oA), social development delal' 5 (3-4o/,). and no impacts m fine and gross motor developmerrt. It needs the endeavon to u'ork out the development progress dela1,'of infants of the fisherman families oi the citv, chreflv on age belos' 3 1'ears because on this age the developrnent progress of children is faster
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