Hidayat, Abdul Aziz Alimul
In: proceeding jogja international nursing conference, 21-22 Oktober 2011, Yogyakarta.
Background: l-he background of tlus paperrs because manY lecturers, nurses. and nursing students are lack of usrng qualitatire methods in nursing research. It can be caused br' various factors One of them is less understanding ol research methodologies and nrisperception in understanding of nursing science paradigm u,hich is identified closedh, uith the nredical science paradignr. Consequentlr'. those thoughts are alu'avs onented to the measurement ol r ariables that circled bv the theory'. Objective: The purpose of this paper is to erplain the use of qualitative and quantitative methods in nursing research. N{ethod: The source of the data of this paper rs the literatures and relevanl research results. Results : The results shoned that the use of the qualitatile method in nursing research can also be used in ser eral studies on lhe phenomenologl' of nursing problems. nursing and historical problems. case studv on nursing issues" cuhure-based nursing (etnonursing) as sell as research that uses inductive logic thinking. Whereas in quantitatir,e research nrethods car be used in experimental and obsenational studies (crosectional, case control and cohort) rn clinics. laboratories and cornmunitv urlh quantitative anall'sis as u,ell as research that uses the logical deductive reasoninq Conclusion: It can be concluded that the use of qualitatire and quantitatire methods in nursing research can be ri'idelv used- because both of them could be the complements of each other ur the studv
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