Hidayat, Abdul Aziz Alimul
In: Proceding dalam Seminar Nasional Sains 2010 , 16 Januari 2010, Surabaya.
purpose of this paper is to explain the educational role of peer group in understanding the concept of healthy-1ll in school age children. Thi: bacfgroirnd of this paper is the less behar ior of health and clean-living (pHBS) at schSol age that can cause various health .problems, such as the incidence of diarrhea, respiratoryint-ections, rnalnutrition, and others. These conditions. if allowed wili cause the disruption of grorvth and development and health on the days to come. One reason is the minimum understanding on the concept of healihy-ill.This understanding is influenced b1 various faclors. environmintal factori such as family, and p-eers. The sources of the data from this paper are the literatures ana ttre results of relevant research.. The synthesis results obtained that the p... g.ouf education is more effective in.increasing the understanding or general i-olrT.Ag'. of scho.o.l-age-children as rvell as on the understanding ofihe concept of healthiill, besides a health understandin-e of tlie concept of-irealthy-ill needs the sanle feelings to understand problerns, peer group education can build a positive seifInage impact in understanding the corrcepfof healthy-ill. Also p..i group i, ii. first social environment u,herschildren leam to live together rviih otlirs *f.,o ui. not members of the .family. This is done in order to aJhieve the development of autonomy (independence), and.to gain recogniticn and acceptance of grbups that create a sense of security atrd protected from the threat br interfer"en.. f.o6 outside, so that children undersiand tire concept of healthy-ill. Thus. ir .ri u. concluded that the education ufrligf sroup is.r,ery importanttn ihe underrturrJi"g ofthe healthy-ill concept in the childrin olschooi age.
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