Mundakir, Mundakir
Prooceding The 7th International Nursing , 7.
ISSN 2407-0629
Introduction: The management of the organization is required as part of efforts to maintain the
existence and continuity of the organization amid the global era and the era of competition. The hospital
is one of the important health care network, laden with tasks, burdens, profession, problems and
expectations of patients. The complexity of the problem of health care need to be followed by the
management of health personnel in it. Hospital as an organization in a competitive era needs to
maintain sustainability by ensuring that these organizations learn faster (faster learning). Building a
learning culture within the organization can begin with a true understanding of the organizational
learning process and create a learning organization. The purpose of writing this article is to understand
the difference between organizational learning (OL), learning organization (LO), and Faster learning
organization (FLO). Method: The study used 17 Articles that met inclusion criteria. Those Articles
retrieved 326 Articles from different databases for example Scince Direct, Google Scolar, Springer Link,
Pro Quest, and Ebsco Host using search article strategy approach and different key words, such as
knowledge, management, organization, learning, and Faster learning. Result : The fundamental
difference between OL and OL, LO is that the emphasis on learning processes within the organization,
while LO focuses on the condition of the organization as a place for learning. Discussion: These can
not be separated between the process and the learning context. In OL needs to understand knowledge
management (KM) and single-double loop learning, while at the LO is necessary to understand the
organizational conditions for the process of OL and good KM.
Key words: knowledge, management, organization, learning, and learning faster
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