Susanty, Ade
Hubungan Pola Makan dan Aktivitas Fisik Dengan Status Gizi Anak Jalanan Kota Surabaya.
pp. 156-161.
ISSN 2541-1396 E-ISSN : 2597-7539
Objective: to identify correlation of dietary habit and physucal activities
Methods: The research method is observational analytic using sectional design
Results: The results of the study, there is a relationship between eating pattern and
physical activity with nutrition status of Surabaya street children. Proved by the results
of statistical analysis of eating pattern with nitrition status of street children p = 0.000
<α = 0.05 and physical activity with nutrition status of street children p = 0.000 <α
= 0.05
Conclusion: . The conclusion of nutrition less can be related with eating pattern and
physical activity of street children. So, it is necessary to pay attention towards their nutrition intake which received by Street children by giving them food 4 healthy 5 perfect
and take a rest or sleep 9 until 11 hours per day to stabilized metabolism rate within
their body of street children of Surabaya.
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