Sofiana, Fitria and Swadjadja , Isma
Pengaruh Kosep Desain (Eksterior dan Interior), Excellent Service, dan Penetapan
Harga Toko yang Bernuansa Islam Mempengaruhi Minat Belanja Konsumen Muslim
dalam Kegiatan Perspektif Hukum Ekonomi Syariah.
Jurnal Justisia Ekonomika, 2 (1).
pp. 4-12.
ISSN 2598-5043
Buying consumer interest is the seller must be able to sell a good impression
has not sold the goods, the impression that can shape the image of his shop, this has been put
forward by Sutisna (2001) in his book Consumer Behavior: Theory and Applications that
storeatmosphere (shop atmosphere) will also determine the image of the store itself. If the store
features comfortable, air-conditioned, and artistic arrangements for the use of attractive wall
paint, all show that the mood of the store is able to increase the luxury and high business
From the results of this study, the factors that influence the next decision is
the excellent service (excellent service) factors that affect interest. Based on questions about
comfort ditoko sakinah perceived by consumers. The service and convenience provided by the
sakinah store is considered good by consumers but has not had a major impact in influencing
buying interest. By providing a convenient waiting room or shofa facility for customers who
are trying sakinah. Thus, customers will feel cared for and happy to re-purchase at a sakinah
shop and pricing. Price determination based on the question of the respondent's price level
agrees with the price paid in accordance with the quality of the sakinah product. Thus, the
company must determine the price in accordance with product quality in order to compete with
other companies. In addition, companies can provide discounts or discounts to attract
consumers more, so as to improve purchasing decisions sakinah.
From the results of this study the method used is Quantitative Design
(exterior and interior) has a contribution of 63.3% together to the dependent variable (Y) ie
consumer spending interest. The remaining 36.7% is influenced by other factors that are
Excellent service and Price Pricing and which are not included in the research.
With study research conducted in store Sakinah Wonorejo area of West
Surabaya. From the store then the value of increased interest obtained the influence in forming
other variables such as excellent service, pricing.
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