Ariana, Diah
Identifikasi Spesies Jamur Pada Rumah Makan Di Kawasan Stasiun
Gubeng Surabaya.
Gubeng Station Surabaya is a railway station (Railway) is the largest in
Surabaya and the departure KA (Railway) main Surabaya. City restaurant in the
station Gubeng Surabaya is the proposition to consume food and beverages for the
passengers and employees at Station Gubeng Surabaya. Not all rooms in Surabaya
Gubeng station or air-cooled rooms and well ventilated or air conditioned if the
room should be sealed room for the cool room conditions. While in the room that
is not refrigerated room is generally open to the wind and air and the room was
not stuffy. From both of these can affect dust in the air entering the space station
that are not refrigerated or cooled. Until now, this has not been studied how the
room is viewed from the existence of diverse species of mangingat every day do
the activity in any room especially the restaurants in the station surabaya Gubeng.
This type of research is descriptive. The population sample was dust in the air
contained in the restaurants in the station Gubeng Surabaya. Time studies carried
on from the 6th of January to complete. Variable research is mushroom species
and its operational definition is a genus of fungus that is found in a restaurant in
the station Gubeng Surabaya based on the results of examination by means
cultured or breed with SDA media. The results of this research are as much as
100% of the restaurants in the area Gubeng station Surabaya contaminated
mushroom species. There are 3 types of fungal species were identified, namely 26
Aspergillus sp. (86.6%), 3 species of Microsporum sp. (9.99%), and 1 species of
Penicillium sp. (3.33%). Mushrooms of the most contaminated in the restaurant at
the station Gubeng Surabaya is Aspergillus sp.
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