Abidin , Ratno and ASY’ARI, ASY’ARI and Hasanah , Uswatun
Full Day School Implementation In Disruption Era As An
Effort To Build Creativity And Prophetic Character Of
Student In SD Muhammadiyah 18 Surabaya.
pp. 232-237.
The purpose of this research was to understand the implementation of Full Day
School system in improving student creativity in school and to examine obstacles and
opportunities that exist on its implementation. The approach used in this research was
qualitative approach with descriptive method, the subject in this research was student of SD
Muhammadiyah 18 Surabaya, research instrument used was guidance interview and
documentation study. The data obtained then processed by using data reduction, data
display, and interpretation or conclusion. Based on the approach and data processing in the
research, then the results were: 1) SD Muhammadiyah 18 Surabaya implemented Full Day
School system by providing many extracurricular programs, active and innovative learning
from educators; 2) the principals, teachers, and other educators has worked together and
helped each other, supported each other in an effort to improve student creativity in SD
Muhammadiyah 18 Surabaya; 3) Obstacles faced by teachers or other educators when
implementing Full Day School system in SD Muhammadiyah 18 Surabaya was no specific
time for home so that the intensive time with the children's family themselves become
reduced. So, by using Implementation Full Day School system, it can help to improve
students' creativity and profetic character so that it could be applied in daily life outside the
school. For schools that will implement Full Day School system, it is expected to provide
understanding and explanation of how the mechanism of the system to parents and students
so that it can be pplied by students in learning process in school. SD Muhammadiyah 18
Surabaya is one of the schools that implements different system with other school
especially Full Day School.
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