Levani , Yelvi and Dwi Prastya, Aldo and Mawaddatunnadila, Siska
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): Patogenesis, Manifestasi
Klinis dan Pilihan Terapi.
Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan, 17 (01).
pp. 44-57.
ISSN 2549-6883
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) ditemukan pada akhir tahun 2019 tepatnya bulan Desember di
Kota Wuhan, Provinsi Huebei, China dan kemudian menyebar ke hampir seluruh dunia. Covid-19
disebabkan oleh betacoronavirus jenis baru yang cenderung mirip SARS-CoV dan MERS-CoV. Tujuan
penulisan ini untuk memberikan telaah mengenai patofisiologi, manifestasi klinis, dan perkembangan
penelitian tatalaksana Covid-19. Jenis review yang digunakan dalam artikel ini berbentuk literature
review terhadap 41 artikel Covid-19 dengan menggunakan database PubMed dan Google Scholar.
Covid-19 termasuk dalam genus betacoronavirus, hasil anasilis menunjukkan adanya kemiripan dengan
SARS. Gejala umum di awal penyakit adalah demam, kelelahan atau myalgia, batuk kering. Serta
beberapa organ yang terlibat seperti pernapasan, gastrointestinal, dan neurologis. Sampai saat ini, WHO
dan beberapa Negara sedang melaksanakan uji klinis untuk menemukan obat yang tepat untuk Covid19, studi ini bernama SOLIDARITY. Terdapat 4 kelompok dalam studi ini, yaitu kelompok LPV/r dan
Interferon-beta, Remdesivir, Klorokuin dan Hidroksiklorokuin. Faktor virus dengan respon imun
menentukan keparahan dari infeksi Covid-19. Gejala umum di awal penyakit adalah demam (83-98%),
kelelahan atau myalgia, batuk kering (76-82%) dan sesak napas (31-55%). Dari telaah terhadap studi
yang ada didapatkan bahwa sampai saat ini Remdesivir adalah obat yang paling berpotensi efektif
terhadap Covid-19, walaupun begitu, masih dibutuhkan penelitian lebih lanjut dengan melakukan uji
klinis yang lebih luas.
Kata kunci: Patogenesis, Manifestasi klinis, Terapi, COVID-19
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) was discovered at the end of 2019 to be precise in December
in Wuhan City, Huebei Province, China and then spread to almost all over the world. Covid-19 is caused
by a new type of betacoronavirus which tends to resemble SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV. The purpose
of this paper is to provide an analysis of the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, and development
of research on the management of Covid-19. The type of review used in this article is in the form of a
literature review of 41 Covid-19 articles using the PubMed and Google Scholar databases. Covid-19 is
included in the genus betacoronavirus, the results of anasilis show similarities to SARS. Common
symptoms at the onset of illness are fever, fatigue or myalgia, dry cough. As well as several organs
involved such as respiratory, gastrointestinal, and neurological. To date, WHO and several countries are
conducting clinical trials to find the right drug for Covid-19, this study is called SOLIDARITY. There
were 4 groups in this study, namely the LPV / r group and Interferon-beta, Remdesivir, Chloroquine and
Hydroxychloroquine. Viral factors with immune response determine the severity of Covid-19 infection.
Common symptoms at the onset of illness are fever (83-98%), fatigue or myalgia, dry cough (76-82%)
and shortness of breath (31-55%). From a review of existing studies, it is found that to date Remdesivir
is the drug with the most potential to be effective against Covid-19, however, further research is still
needed by conducting more extensive clinical trials.
Keywords: Pathogenesis, Clinical Manifestations, Therapeutic, COVID-19
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