Prakasa, Satria Unggul Wicaksana and Babussalam, Basuki and Supriyo, Agus
Transnational Corruption and It’s Impact on
Indonesian Jurisdiction.
Social Science Humanities for Sustainable Development to Support Community Empowerment, 499.
pp. 43-53.
ISSN 2352-5398
As a state of law, all law enforcement processes in Indonesia are limited by sovereignty for trans-border crimes that one of them is corruption. Corruption case is as part of transnational crimes that cannot be underestimated. The legal vacuum that occurs in Indonesia has an impact on the difficulty of prosecuting the perpetrators of corruption crimes as part of Indonesia's criminal jurisdiction. The formulations of the problems used in this legal research are: (1). Legal accountability for perpetrators of cross-border corruption; (2). International legal mechanisms and national law in the eradication of transnational corruption crimes. The results of this research are: (1)
There is a need for joint cooperative action to crack
down on corruption crimes across borders in accordance
with UNCAC and UNTOC, considering that corruption
crimes are a common problem with all countries in the
world. (2). Indonesia needs to adopt and recognize
various types of corruption crimes at UNCAC in the
revision of the new Corruption Act. As well, the emergence of an agreement of all countries in the world
to create universal jurisdiction over cross-border
corruption crimes in the International Criminal Court
(ICC), as a crime under the jurisdiction of the ICC. In
particular, amendments to the 1998 Rome Statute.
Keywords- anti-corruption; jurisdiction; transnational
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