Supatmi, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kes and Eni Sumarliyah., S Kep.,Ns.,M Kes and Nararia, Travatonik and Sukma Indah, Lestari
Persepsi Istri Terhadap Suami Disfungsi Ereksi Di Indonesia: Pola Pemenuhan Pasangan Seksual Istri Yang Mengalami Disfungsi Ereksi Akibat Diabetes Mellitus.
Project Report.
Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.
Persepsi Istri Terhadap Suami Disfungsi Ereksi di Indonesia: Pola Pemenuhannya Pasangan Seksual Istri Yang Mengalami Ereksi Disfungsi karena Diabetes Mellitus
Oleh : Supatmi
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap persepsi dan pengalaman perempuan tentang persepsi seksual dan untuk memahami hambatan dan tantangan dalam menghadapi masalah dalam mengalami disfungsi ereksi akibat diabetes mellitus. Umumnya wanita menginginkan aktivitas hubungan romantis, sehingga mereka merasakan sakit ketika mengalami disfungsi ereksi. Penelitian dilakukan di Puskesmas Surabaya dengan metode purposive sampling pada 21 wanita yang suaminya mengalami gangguan seksual akibat komplikasi diabetes mellitus. Wawancara menjadi instrumen yang paling dominan dan hasilnya diinterpretasikan dengan analisis fenomenologis.
Kata kunci: Persepsi, Istri, Suami, Disfungsi Ereksi
Wives' Perceptions of Husbands with Erectile Dysfunction in Indonesia: The Fulfilment Pattern of the Wife's Sexual Partner Who Experiences Erectile Dysfunction due to Diabetes Mellitus
This study aims to reveal women's perceptions and experiences regarding sexual perceptions and to understand the barriers and challenges when facing problems in experiencing erectile dysfunction due to diabetes mellitus. Generally, women want romantic relationship activities, so they feel pain when they experience erectile dysfunction. The study was conducted at the Public Health Center in Surabaya with a purposive sampling method on 21 women whose husbands had sexual problems due to complications of diabetes mellitus. The interview became the most dominant instrument and the results were interpreted by phenomenological analysis. The results of this study indicate that deficiencies in meeting sexual needs due to erectile dysfunction can be followed up by always responding and maintaining patterns of fulfilling sexual needs that support each other physically, psychologically and socially and understand each other between partners.
Keywords: Perception, Wife, Husband, Erectile Dysfunction.
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