UMSurabaya Repository

Flipped Classroom Assisted Canva to Improve the Writing Reports Skills of Vocational School Students

Octalia, Leny and Sujinah, Sujinah and Omar, Saada (2023) Flipped Classroom Assisted Canva to Improve the Writing Reports Skills of Vocational School Students. Journal of Pedagogy and Education Science, 2 (1). pp. 26-34. ISSN 2962-1763 (online) 2962-5777 (print)

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This classroom action research was intended to improve the students' writing report ability of the 11th-grade vocational school students. The method used was the flipped classroom method assisted by Canva. The research design was classroom action research which was implemented in two cycles. The study subjects were 11th-grade students, with a total number of students were 31 students. The research data was collected using observation and testing methods which were analyzed using quantitative descriptive techniques. The results showed an improvement in the percentage of professional placement report writing ability from 32.2% in the pre-cycle to 64.5% in the first cycle. There was a significant improvement in the professional report writing ability from 64.5 % in the first cycle to 81% in the second cycle. Applying the flipped classroom method assisted by Canva has improved the ability to write professional placement reports of 11th-grade students.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Canva, Flipped Classroom, Professional, Report Writing Ability
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
T Technology > T Technology (General)
Divisions: Jurnal > Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
Depositing User: Dr. Sujinah, M.Pd.
Date Deposited: 18 Aug 2023 09:32
Last Modified: 18 Aug 2023 09:32

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