Relationship between Demographic Factors, Knowledge, and Injection Contraceptive Acceptors’ Visit Compliance
Acceptors, Compliance, Contraceptive, Risk, VisitAbstract
BACKGROUND: The population of Indonesia continues to increase every year. Family planning is an effort to create a guaranteed or qualified family by regulating the number of children, birth spacing, and the age of delivered women, allowing pregnancy to occur to create a healthy and prosperous Indonesia. The total fertility rate (TFR) in 2017 was 2.4, but to create a qualified family and a balanced population, the TFR must be based on a decrease in 2020–2021.
AIM: The aim of the study was to analyze the relationship between ages, education, knowledge, work status, and support from husbands with injection contraceptive acceptors.
METHOD: This study used the analytical observational cross-sectional design. The sampling technique was non-random purposive sampling, with a sample size of 96 people; a questionnaire was used to collect data and data were analyzed using the Chi-squared test with IBM SPSS Statistics 21.
RESULTS: The percentage of respondents who were injection contraceptive acceptors was 57.3%. The results showed that the variables associated with injection visit compliance were age (p = 0.022), knowledge (p = 0.005), and work status (p = 0.017). Meanwhile, the variables not related to compliance with injection visits were education (p = 0.172), husband’s support (p = 0.833), number of children (p = 0.167), and house distance (p = 0.054).
CONCLUSION: The factor that most influenced acceptors’ compliance with injection visits was knowledge of contraception.Downloads
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