Items where Year is 2009
Number of items: 11. ArticleFatihudin, Didin (2009) Model Pengembangan dan Peningkatan Pendapatan Home Industry Sepatu/Sandal Melalui Peningkatan Modal, Keterampilan dan Perluasan Pasar di Kemasan Krian Sidoarjo. Jurnal Ekonomi & Bisnis (JEB), 3 (3). pp. 187-191. ISSN 1978-3116 Fatihudin, Didin (2009) Pergeseran Penyerapan Tenaga Kerja Pasca Lumpur Lapindo Sidoarjo dan Upaya Penyelesaiannya. Jurnal Ekonomi & Bisnis, 3 (2). pp. 133-143. ISSN 1978-3116 Conference or Workshop ItemHidayat, Abdul Aziz ALimul and Uliyah, Musrifatul (2009) The Analysis of Growth and Development lnfants of Fishermen Family in the City of Surabaya. In: the proceeding of 3 rd international nursing conference, , 17-19, Nopember, Yogyakarta. Hidayat, Abdul Aziz Alimul and Uliyah, Musrifatul (2009) The Analysis of Growth and Development lnfants of Fishermen Family in the City of Surabaya. In: the proceeding of 3 rd international nursing conference, , 17-19, Nopember, Yogyakarta. BookWijayanti, Asri (2009) Hukum Ketenagakerjaan Pasca Reformasi. Sinar Grafika, Jakarta. ISBN 978-979-007-273-2 ThesisAfriliana, Ika and Drs. H. Wijayadi, M.Pd (2009) SWEARWORDS USED BY YOUTH OF MOJOKERTO IN COMMUNICATION. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya. Lutfiyathin, Lutfiyathin and Drs. Wirawan, M.Ed (2009) THE USE OF POWER AND SOLIDARITY AND THE EFFECTS OF WHICH TO LEARNING ACHIEVEMENT OF STUDENTS OF SMA MUHAMMADIYAH 5 DUKUN, GRESIK. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya. Rikandani, Anita Desi and Drs. Djoko Ardhityawan, M. Pd (2009) LOVE IN ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING’S POEMS “HOW DO I LOVE THEE? LET ME COUNT THE WAYS...”, “I THINK OF THEE!---MY THOUGHTS DO TWINE AND BUD”, AND “MY OWN BELOVED, WHO HAST LIFTED ME...”. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya. Ro'ifah, Ro'ifah (2009) THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CLARISSA AND SEPTIMUS’ RESPONSES TOWARD THEIR SIMILAR CAUSES OF TRAUMATIC EVENT IN VIRGINIA WOOLF’S MRS. DALLOWAY. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya. Soimah, Nur and Drs. Djoko Soeloeh Marhaen, M.A (2009) BEHAVIOR OF WOMEN IN LOVE : AN ANALYSIS OF D.HLAWRENCE’S NOVEL WOMEN IN LOVE. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya. Wijiastuti, Iis Tri (2009) THE KILLING OF LENNIE: A STUDY OF THE MAIN CHARACTERS AND THEIR CONFLICTS IN STEINBECK’S OF MICE AND MEN. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya. |