Mundakir, Mundakir
Faster Learning Organization (FLO) Model of Transform Strategy Group to Enhance Holistic Nurses Skills.
Jurnal Advanced Science Letters , 23 (12).
pp. 12546-12549.
ISSN 1936-6612
Holistic nursing cares service is not well-implemented. Eighty percent of nursing care services mainly oriented
to physical or biological aspect due to several barriers. These include limited knowledge of concept of holistic
nursing, less practice on the implementation of holistic nursing and high workload. The purpose of this study is to
analyze the influence of FLO model of transform strategy group toward skills improvement of nurse unit manager
and nurse team leader. The research design was quasi-experimental: non randomized pretest-posttest control
group design. This study was conducted in 2 (two) private hospitals with 69 nurses as respondents. The data
were collected by using questionnaires, which consist oftheimplementationofFLOmodelandholisticnursing
skills. The implementation of FLO model includes openness to learning, challenge of change, and stimulating
leadership. On the other hand, holistic nursing skills include applying technical competence, contributing as a
team member, team leading, facilitation, nurturance, and unconditional Acceptance. The data were analyzed
by using. Based on the analysis using manacova shows that all independent variablesp≥!0"05. Openness
to learning (p=0"01), the challenge of change (p=0"01), and stimulating leadership (p=0"00). It can be
concluded that the application of the FLO model (opennesstolearning,thechallengeofchange,stimulating
leadership) of transform strategy group significantly influenced the development of nurses’ skills: applying technical competence, contributing as a team member, leading the team, facilitation, nurturance, and unconditional
acceptance. The FLO model needs to be implemented at all levels of the organization to improve nursing skills.
Additionally, organizational learning can be achieved quickly and effectively.
Keywords: FLO, Stimulating Leadership, Surge Strategye.
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Faster Learning Organization (FLO) Model of Transform Strategy Group to Enhance Holistic Nurses Skills. (deposited 12 Mar 2019 04:32)
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