Listiana, Lina and Suharti , Peni
Development and Validation of Learning Tools of GITTW
Strategy to Empower Self-Regulation Skill.
In: The 1st International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Education, Graha Cakrawala Universitas Negeri Malang.
Abstract. Lecturing on Anatomy and Physiology of Human Body in Biology Education Study Programme, Faculty of Teacher
Training & Education UMSurabaya, mostly it still prioritizes on the mastery of concepts that has not sought the empowerment of
self-regulation skill. However this have implications on the cognitive abilities of students who tend to be low. In addition, in the
process of learning encouragement and active participation of students is very lacking that is reflected in asking questions and
expressing opinions on the problems, both against him and the others. It takes constructive learning strategies more effectively to
overcome these problems. Strategies that are considered appropriate to apply GITTW (Group Investigation combined Think Talk
Write) strategy. The learning tool of GITTW strategy was developed through development procedures following the instructional
design phase of 4-D Thiagarajan. The learning tools are developed include Semester Study Plans, Lecture Schedule Unit, Student
Worksheets, and evaluation instruments including self-regulation skills tests and self-regulation skills rubric, self-regulation
inventory and practicality learning strategies. The result of validation of expert learning showed that the Semester Study Plans was
3.49, Lecture Schedule Unit was 3,45 and Student Worksheets was 3.38 mean valid. The instrument test that is validated are expert
and empirical validation. The expert validation covered content and construct validation, result validation was value 3.31 meaning
that the test was valid. The empirical validation covered validity item test, a reliability item test. The result empirical validation
showed that essay questions test for self-regulation test was in the range of 0.48-0.83 meaning that the test was valid and reliability
test was 0.84 meaning that test had good quality. The test results of practicality showed the learning tool that positive responses
88.25% and negative responses 11.75%, meaning that learning tools GITTW strategy had a high level of practicality.
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