Nastiti Kartikorini, ST., M.Kes.
Perbandingan Kadar Kalium Bisulfat (K2SO4) Pada Kentang Beku Olahan
Bermerek Dan Tidak Bermerek.
Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.
Ir. Nastiti Kartikorini, M.Kes.
Prodi D3 Analis Kesehatan UM Surabaya
Frozen potato is one of the processed potato prefer the physical quality of
appearance, crispness and color. So it is necessary to increase the quality of frozen
potatoes, especially related to shelf-life durability. Potassium bisulfate is an added
food ingredient used as a preservative in frozen potatoes. Therefore, researchers
wanted to conduct research to compare the levels of potassium bisulfate in
processed frozen potato branded and unbranded. This research is analytic
obsefasional, where this study aims to compare the levels of Kalim bisulfate in
processed frozen potato branded and unbranded. As materials research, the
researchers took samples of processed frozen potatoes, amounting to 6 samples
branded and unbranded, amounting to 10 samples tested at the Research Institute
and Consulting Industry Surabaya, East Java. Based on the results of research and
data analysis, the statistical test with SPSS method. From normality test and then
do different test-free t test. From the research results, obtained an average grade
Potassium bisulfate (K2SO4) on branded processed frozen potatoes was 465.5 mg
/ kg, whereas the processed frozen potato unbranded was 569.9 mg / kg. After the
test data is performed, it is known that the t value of 1.964 with sig. (P) = 0.074
which is greater than 0.05 then there is no difference in the levels of potassium
bisulfate (K2SO4) on frozen potato branded and unbranded (HO accepted). From
the results of research and discussion is done, it can be concluded that the results
of research that has been done there is no significant comparison between the
levels of potassium bisulfate (K2SO4) in processed potato branded and
unbranded, where all the results of this study the positive (+) containing
potassium bisulfate (K2SO4).
Keyword : Frozen potato, Potassium bisulfate
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