Nova, Elok M. and Aryunani, Aryunani and Revin Eka, Wahyu Sari
Pengaruh Massase Terhadap Intensitas Nyeri Punggung pada Ibu Hamil.
Prodi S1 Kebidanan FIK UMSurabaya, Sinar Jurnal Kebidanan.
Objective: The discomfort that is often experienced by pregnant women in the second and
third trimesters is back pain. Back massage with a gentle touch in the hip area can relieve
lower back pain during pregnancy. The purpose of this research is to determine whether
massage affects the intensity of back pain in pregnant women.
Methods: This study used a quasi-experimental design with pre and post-test type one group
design. The population of this study was all third-trimester mothers who experienced back
pain at Public Health Center Tanah Kalikedinding Surabaya in May-August 2020; samples
were taken by Accidental Sampling, so 32 respondents were obtained. This study used
univariate and bivariate data analysis using Wilcoxon.
Results: Back pain in third-trimester pregnant women before a back massage has an
average of 4.42; after a back massage, the moderate pain is 3.18. There is an effect of back
massage on back pain in third-trimester pregnant women. Statistical test results obtained t�test value and p-value 0.000 > 0.05.
Conclusion: There is an effect of back massage on back pain in third-trimester pregnant
women at Public Health Center Tanah Kalikedinding Surabaya. Pregnant women who
experience back pain are expected to increase their knowledge about back massage so that
it can be applied at home
Keywords: back massage, back pain, massage, pregnancy
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Pengaruh Massase Terhadap Intensitas Nyeri Punggung pada Ibu Hamil. (deposited 15 Mar 2023 06:56)
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