mohammad, subkhan
Thymik Karsinoma dengan Efusi Perikard.
Qanun Medika, 1 (2).
pp. 142-150.
ISSN 2541-2272
Thymoma and thymic carcinoma are anterior mediastinal tumors derived from the thymus gland. Thymoma generally provides a benign picture although histologically it has been invasive. The causes of thymoma is often found without typical symptoms and difficult to detect by physical examination. Thymic carcinoma is a malignant tumor, faster to grow and spread to other parts of the body and more difficult to treat, it is the most common tumor found in anterior mediastinum is about 47%. A male 29 years old, complained of chest pain since 1 month and getting heavier in 2 weeks. In lateral AP thoracic image founded opasitas mass density with a firm margin of the regular edge on the lateral projection lies in the anterior mediastinum. Echocardiography results was Pericard effusion. FOB Examination was extraluminal mass accumulation of the main carina. CT Scan Thorax founded Impresses mass in anterior mediastinum inherent / masking superior vena cava, suspicious of a thymoma, teratodermoid tumor, ascendent thoracic aorta within normal limits. In these patients, thymectomy was performed with debulking and histology results from mass with non-Thymic carcinoma Keratinizing epidermoid carcinoma. The patient's condition after surgery improved with normal chest radiograph picture and subsequent outpatient.
Keywords:thymic, carcinoma, pericard effusion
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