Hidayat, Abdul Aziz Alimul
optimalisasi Penggunaan KPSP Pada Keluarga sebagai Upaya pencegahan Gangguan Perkembangan Anak.
In: Proceding dalam Seminar Nasional Sains 2010 , 16 Januari 2010, Surabaya.
The purpose of this paper is to describe the optimization of Pre-Screening Questionnaire Development (KPSP) on family as the prevention of child development disorders. The background of this paper is the earlv detection of late development of the child because the lack of knorvledge and perceptions of parents toward the development of the child and the use of detection of grouth and development devices is still in the level of health personnels (doctors- nurses and midwives), and the ratio of health practioners and communities is not appropriate u,rth the optimal standard of health services given. The sources of the data from this paper are the literatures and the results of relevant research. The stmthesis results obtained the optimization of the use of modified KPSP from Denver Prescreening Development Questionere (PDQ) is performed on the famill, can help the earll' detection of growth and development of child so that the delays of grouth can be detected early'. The convenience of KPSP thar corsists of l0 questions at each age group on child development capabilities that lr ould tali.e l0-15 minutes can be easy for parenls to do(practice) it independently, and does not require much monev, these devices also easier than growing up and development detectron devices such as DDST II and PSC. Thus, it can be concluded that the optimization of the use of KPSP as the child growth and
develcpment device could prevent earh'the child disruption (disorders).
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