Items where Division is "Jurnal > Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan" and Year is
Number of items: 161. Nasrullah, Dede and Anandhita, Aries Candra and Sumarliyah, Eni and Robbaniyah, Jihan Calgary Family Intervention Model Approach in Choosing Healthy Snack as Preventive Behaviour of Food Born Disease on Children in Surabaya. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 437. pp. 567-570. AArtanti, Dita and Sari, Yeti Eka Sispita Deteksi Bakteri Salmonella Sp. Pada Mentega Martabak Manis Di Daerah Pogot Surabaya. jurnal pedago biologi, 10 (2). pp. 81-87. ISSN 2338 – 8935 ANASTASIA PUTU MARTHA, ANGGARANI and RADITYA, KURNIAWAN DJOAR and IFA, GERHANAWATI and ATIK, SWANDARI NYERI PUNGGUNG BAWAH o/k MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDER (MSDs) PADA PEKERJA DENGAN POSISI KERJA DOMINAN DUDUK. Jurnal Keperawatan dan Fisioterapi (JKF). Ade Susanty, S.Kep.,Ns.,M. Kep The Effectiveness of Health Education Provision of Animated Video Media in Improving COVID-19 Prevention behavior Post-Vaccination Among Students of Muhammadiyah Islamic Boarding School Karangasem Paciran Lamongan. Qanun Medika. Ade Susanty, S.Kep.,Ns.,M. Kep PERILAKU IBU DALAM PEMENUHAN NUTRISI PADA BALITA DENGAN STUNTING. Jurnal Keperawatan Muhammadiyah. Agustin, Ratna and Wibowo, Nugroho Ari and Nubli, Alvian Cholifatul FAKTOR RESILIENSI PADA PASIEN TUBERKULOSIS MULTI DRUG RESISTANCE: LITERATURE REVIEW. Jurnal Keperawatan Muhammadiyah, 5 (1). ISSN 2541-2396 Ainutajriani, Ainutajriani and Artanti, Dita Artanti and Juniawan, Mulya Fitrah Juniawan and Widiyastuti, Rahma Widiyastuti and Saputro, Tri Ade Saputro and Budiman, Waras Budiman ANALISIS MIKROBIOLOGI PADA JAJANAN PEDAGANG KAKI LIMA DI SEPANJANG JALAN SUTOREJO SURABAYA. Klinikal Sain Jurnal Analis Kesehatan. Anis Rosyiatul, Husna and Riadi, Muhammad and Nur, Mukarromah and Gita, Marini Pendekatan bahasa lokal: meningkatkan perilaku pencegahan skabies melalui bahasa madura. Bali Medika Jurnal. Anja Hesnia, Kholis and Nurul, Hidayah and Ratna Puji, Priyanti and Asri, Asri Workplace violence: the experiences of emergency nurses in Indonesia. emergency nurses. Anja Hesnia, Kholis and Nurul, Hidayah and Ratna Puji, Priyanti and Asri, Asri and Agusta Dian, Ellina Understanding Nurses Experiences and Perception about The Implemention of Emergency Monitoring : A Qualitative Study. Jurnal Pendidikan keperawatan Indonesia. Aries, Chandra and Siswanto, Agung and Jihan Fachriyah, Hasany FAKTOR YANG BERHUBUNGAN DENGAN PENERAPAN PROTOKOL KESEHATAN 3M (MEMAKAI MASKER, MENCUCI TANGAN, MENJAGA JARAK). FAKTOR YANG BERHUBUNGAN DENGAN PENERAPAN PROTOKOL KESEHATAN 3M (MEMAKAI MASKER, MENCUCI TANGAN, MENJAGA JARAK). Arimurti, Anindita Riesti Retno and Azizah, Fitrotin Pemeriksaan Cemaran Kapang Pada Udara dan Pakaian Santri di Salah Satu Pondok Pesantren Surabaya Timur. AL-HAYAT : Journal of Biology and Applied Biology, 4 (1). pp. 65-74. ISSN 2622-0725 Arimurti, Anindita Riesti Retno and Merinda, Vena Frisca and Zahro, Fatimah Gambaran Parasit Cacing Nematoda Usus Dan Cestoda Pada Feses Sapi (Boss sp.) Di Peternakan Sumber Jaya Ternak, Kecamatan Tikung, Kabupaten Lamongan, Jawa Timur. The Journal of Muhammadiyah Medical Laboratory Technologist, 3 (1). pp. 39-52. ISSN 2614-2805 Artanti, Dita and Sari, Yeti Eka Sispita and Azizah, Fitrotin and Purwaningsih, Nur Vita and Rohmayani, Vella and Nasrullah, Dede Effect of giving probiotic supplement Lactobacillus acidophilus La-14 as an immunomodulator to maintain a respiratory system in Mus musculus. Iranian Journal of Microbiology, 13 (3). pp. 381-388. ISSN 2008-3289 /2008-4447 Asri, Asri and Mundakir, Mundakir and Muhammad nidhom, Hakim Studi Kasus Edukasi Digital Deteksi Dini Stroke Pada Penderita Hipertensi. Jurnal Keperawatan Muhammadiyah. Asri, Asri and Mundakir, Mundakir and Yung-Mei, Yang and Ratna Puji, Priyanti and Bih-O, Lee Experiences with Tuberculosis Management among Community-Based Care Providers in Indonesia: A Qualitative Study. JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING. Asri, Asri and Septian Galuh .W, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kep and Erfan, Rofiqi Nursing Case Study of Patients with Acute Gastroenteritis and Post-Syncope. Jurnal keperawatan Muhammadiyah. Asri, Asri and Wen-Li, Hou and Ratna Puji, Priyanti and Mundakir, Mundakir and Bih-O, Lee Experiences of Male Indonesian Migrant Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic to Post-Pandemic Period in Taiwan: A Phenomenological Study. Journal of Transcultural Nursing. Atik Swandari, S.ST, M.Kes and Ifa Gerhanawati, S.ST,Ft, M.Kes, Ftr and Dinda Alif, Amalia Studi Kasus : Intervensi Fisioterapi Pada Kasus Dismenorea Di Universitas Muhammdiyah Surabaya. Jurnal Keperawatan Muhammadiyah. Atik Swandari,, S.S.T., M.Kes and Yulia Trisnawati,, S.ST.,FT.,Ftr and Ridho Syahid, Efendi STUDI KASUS : PENATALAKSANAAN ULTRASOUND DAN TERAPI LATIHAN PADA KASUS OSTEOARTHRITIS KNEE BILATERAL. PREPOTIF Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat. BBaterun, Kunsah and Nastiti, Kartikorini and Diah, Ariana Analisa Cemaran Logam Berat (Pb, Cd, Zn) Pada Makanan Dan Minuman Kemasan Kaleng Dengan Menggunakan Metode Spektrofotometri Serapan Atom (SSA). The Journal Of Muhammadiyah Medical Laboratory Technologist. DDiah, Ariana IDENTIFIKASI SPESIES JAMUR PADA RUMAH MAKAN DI KAWASAN STASIUN GUBENG SURABAYA. The Journal of Muhammadiyah Medical Laboratory Technologist. Diah, Ariana PENGARUH KONSENTRASI PERASAN MENGKUDU (Morinda citrofilia Linn) TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN Shygella disenteriae. The Journal Of Muhammadiyah Medical Laboratory Technologist. Diah, Ariana Perbedaan Zona Hambat Terhadap Jamur Malassezia furfur Antara Pemberian Ekstrak Umbi Bawang Putih (Allium sativum Linn) Dengan Ekstrak Kulit Umbi Bawang Putih (Allium sativum Linn). The Journal Of Muhammadiyah Medical Laboratory Technologist. Diah, Ariana UJI ANTIBAKTERI PERASAN AKAR BAYAM DURI (Amaranthus spinosus Linn) TERHADAP Shigella dysenteriae. TheJournal Of Muhammadiyah Medical Laboratory Technologist. Diah, Ariana UJI ANTIBAKTERI PERASAN DAUN PANDAN WANGI (Pandanus amaryllifolius Roxb) TERHADAP Shigella dysentriae. The Journal Of Muhammadiyah Medical Laboratory Technologist. Diah, Ariana and Baterun, Kunsah and Frizka, Auliya Analysis of Borax in Yellow Wet Noodles using Butterfly Pea Flower Extract (Clitoria ternatea). Health Notion. Diah, Ariana and Nastiti, Kartikorini and Siti, Mardiyah Profil Tanin Pada Teh Seduh Dengan Paparan Suhu Penyeduhan Yang Berbeda. The Journal Of Muhammadiyah Medical Laboratory Technologist. EEllies, Tunjung SM. and Fitrotin, Azizah and Tri Ade, Saputro and Firdausi, Nuzula PenggunaanBerbagaiJenisAntikoagulanTerhadapMutuHasil Pemeriksaan Activated Partial Thromboplastine Time (APTT). he Journal of Muhammadiyah Medical Laboratory Technologist, 5 (1). ISSN 2597-3681 Ellies, Tunjung SM. and Fitrotin, Azizah and Vella, Rohmayani and Baterun, Kunsah The quality of Haemoglobin examination results with variations in incubation time using the Cyanmethemoglobin method. The Journal of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Research, 6 (2). pp. 70-72. ISSN 2460-4453 Ellies, Tunjung SM. and Nur Vita, Purwaningsih and Rahma, Widyastuti and Rinza, Rahmawati S. The Effect of Storage Time for Pooled Sera on Freezers on the Quality of Clinical Chemical Examination. Medicra Journal of Medical Laboratory Science / Technology, 4 (2). ISSN 2580-7730 Eni, Sumarliyah and Suyatno, Hadi S. Efektifitas Pelaksanaan Senam Kaki Diabetic dalam Menurunkan Intensitas Nyeri pada Pasien Diabe- tus Mellitus di Rumah Sakit Siti Khodijah Sepanjang. Jurnal Keperawatan Muhammadiyah. Eni, Sumarliyah. and Aries, Chandra and Dede, Nasrullah, and Rizaldi Heru, Susanto Change of Attitude, Behaviour in Choosing Healthy Snacks Through Health Education with Educative Game Media of Monopoly About Healthy Snacks for Children of School Age. Atlantis Press. Eni, Sumarliyah. and Dede, Nasrullah, and Fatin, Lailatul B and Zenni, Afifah Reduction Of Blood Pressure With Autogenic Relaxation And Guided Imagery In Hypertension Patients. Jurnal Manajemen Kesehatan Yayasan Rs. Dr. Soetomo. Eni, Sumarliyah. and Dede, Nasrullah, and Mahardika, Putra Declaration of Blood Sugar Levels with Black Raw and Binahong Leaves in Mencit (Mus musululus). Central African Journal of Public Health. Eni, Sumarliyah. and Dede, Nasrullah, and Sukadiono, Sukadiono and Desta Pankyano, Mahasiswa Lowering blood sugar levels with kersen leaf stew (muntingia calabura l) and black onion (alium sativum) extract in mice (mus musculus). International Journal of Advanced Nursing Studies. Eni, Sumarliyah. and Erfan, Rofiqi and Waode, Hamsia, Learning Method in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era: Systematic Review. STRADA Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan. Eni, Sumarliyah. and Luthfiyah, Nurlaela and Andi, Mariono and Dede, Nasrullah, and Ira Purnamasari, Purnamasari and idham, choliq The Impact of Nurse Caring on the Recovery of COVID-19 Patients: A Systematic Review. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy. Eni, Sumarliyah. and Suyatno, Hadi S. Pengaruh Senam Vertigo (Canalit Reposition Treatment) Terhadap Keseimbangan Tubuh Pada Pasien Vertigo. Jurnal Keperawatan Muhammadiyah. Etik, Wahyuningsih and Annisa, Kartika Sari Identifikasi Rhodamin B pada Lipstik di Pasar Tradisional Sekitar Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya Menggunakan Metode KLT-Densitometri. Camellia. Etik, Wahyuningsih and Rachma, Dessidianti Aplikasi FT-IR ATR Spektroskopi untuk Identifikasi Parasetamol dalam Jamu Sediaan Serbuk. Camellia. FFadma, Putri and Atik, Swandari, and Ifa, Gerhana, and Nurul Fajri, Romadhona and Ken, Siwi SOSIALISASI RESIKO ERGONOMI DALAM PENCEGAHAN KONDISI MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS (MSDs). SOSIALISASI RESIKO ERGONOMI DALAM PENCEGAHAN KONDISI MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS (MSDs). (Unpublished) Festi, Pipit and Wulandari, Yuanita The Relationship of Nutritional Status and Perineal Wound Healing Among Post-Partum Women. Advances in Health Sciences Research,, 3. Festi, Pipit and Wulandari, Yuanita and Vucurevic, Ana Stunting Prevention in Coastal Family with Health-Promoting Family Approach. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 10 (G). ISSN eISSN: 1857-9655 Firman, Firman and Nur Mukarromah, SKM, M.Kes and Ira Purnamasari, Purnamasari Dukungan Sosial Berhubungan Dengan Kualitas Hidup Orang dengan HIV/AID Selama Masa Pandemi Covid-19. PROFESIONAL HEALTH JOURNAL. Firman, Firman and Yuanita, Wulandari Self-stigma Based on the Sexual Orientation in PLWHA (People Living with HIV/AIDS) in Surabaya, Indonesia. Proceedings of the 1st UMSurabaya Multidisciplinary International Conference 2021 (MICon 2021). Fitrotin, Azizah and Nur Vita, Purwaningsih and Yeti Eka, Sispita Sari STATUS JUMLAH LEUKOSIT PADA PETANI GARAM DI DESA ROMOKALISARI KECAMATAN BENOWO KOTA SURABAYA. Borneo Journal Of Medical Laboratory Technology, 5 (2). ISSN 2622-6111 Fulatul, Anifah RISIKO PERNIKAHAN DINI MENURUT PAKAR UMSURABAYA PICU KANKER RAHIM. GGita, Marini and Yuanita, Wulandari EFEKTIFITAS FISIOTERAPI DADA (CLAPPING) UNTUK MENGATASI MASALAH BERSIHAN JALAN NAPAS PADA ANAK DENGAN BRONKOPNEUMONI DI RUANG ANAK RSUD. DR. MOH. SOEWANDHI SURABAYA. JURNAL HASIL RISET. HHasanah, Uswatun and Nasrullah, Dede and Wibowo, Nugroho Ari and Reliani, Reliani Effects of positive self-talk on the level of anxiety of patients with coronary heart disease. Gaceta Medica de Caracas, 129 (4). ISSN 2739-0012 Hidayat, Abdul Aziz Alimul Analysis of Nursing Education Excellence in lndonesia Using Baldrige Criteria. Creative nursing, 25 (4). ISSN 10784535 Hidayat, Abdul Aziz Alimul Assessment Of A Prototype For Application Of Discharge Planning Using Android. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research. ISSN 2277-8616 Hidayat, Abdul Aziz Alimul Dataset on nurses’ perception and practice of inter-professional collaboration at Muhammadiyah hospitals, Indonesia. Data in Brief, 31 (8). ISSN 23523409 Hidayat, Abdul Aziz Alimul Factors Affecting Nutritional Status in Children Aged 6–24 months in Lamongan Regency, Indonesia. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 8 (e). ISSN 18579655 Hidayat, Abdul Aziz Alimul Factors Contributing to the Implementation of Situational Leadership in Hospitals. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 24 (9). ISSN 1475-7192 Hidayat, Abdul Aziz Alimul Improving The Nursing Performance At Hospital Through Factors Analysis. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 9 (3). ISSN 2277-8616 Hidayat, Abdul Aziz Alimul Increasing Family Empowerment In Treating Tuberculosis Patients Through Perceived Behavioral Control And Intention. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 9 (3). ISSN 2277-8616 Hidayat, Abdul Aziz Alimul The Increasing Obedience and Changes in Blood Pressure Through Family Empowerment Model in Elderly People with Hypertension. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development. , 11 (3). ISSN 0976-5506 Hidayat, Abdul Aziz Alimul Model for Prevention of Risk Sexual Behavior Adolescents in Manado, Indonesia. Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences, 14 (14). ISSN 1996-7195 Hidayat, Abdul Aziz Alimul Organizational Effectiveness with Mckinsey 7s Model Approach on Public Health Center in Madura, Indonesia. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 24 (7). ISSN 1475-7192 Hidayat, Abdul Aziz Alimul Predictor Factors of Phlebitis Incidence for Children in Hospital Private in Sidoarjo, Indonesia. Systematic Review Pharmacy, 11 (6). ISSN 0976-2779 Hidayat, Abdul Aziz Alimul Predictors Factor of drug abuse by adolescents in Sidrap, Indonesia. Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences, 14 (14). ISSN 19967195 Hidayat, Abdul Aziz Alimul Predictors of burnout in nurses working in inpatient rooms at a public hospital in Indonesia. Pan African Medical Journal, 33 (148). ISSN 19378688 Hidayat, Abdul Aziz Alimul THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FAMILY EMPOWERMENT AND FAMILY INDEPENDENT IN CARING PATIENTS WITH LUNG TUBERCULOSIS IN BANJAR REGENCY, INDONESIA. International Journal of Nursing and Health Services, 2 (4). ISSN 26546310 Hidayat, Abdul Aziz Alimul Resilensi Keluarga hadapi New Normal. Jawa Post. Hidayat, Abdul Aziz Alimul Spiritual Leadership Model for Head Nurse at a Private Hospital in East Java, Indonesia. Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences, 13 (4). ISSN 19967195 Hidayat, Abdul Aziz Alimul TUTORIAL GUIDANCE THROUGH BLENDED LEARNING IN IMPROVING AN ABILITY NURSING EDUCATION COMPETENCY. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 24 (10). ISSN 1475-7192 Hidayat, Abdul Aziz Alimul Using of Blended Learning in Improving Collaboration Skill of Nursing Students. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development. , 10 (9). ISSN 0976-5506 Hidayat, Abdul Aziz Alimul and Musrifatul Uliyah, S.ST., M.Kes The Effect of the Nursing Care Model Based on Culture to Improve the Care of Malnourished Madurese Children in Indonesia. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 7 (7). pp. 1220-1225. ISSN 18579655 IIra Purnamasari, Purnamasari and Dede, Nasrullah and Uswatun, Hasanah and Mundakir, Mundakir and Firman, Firman and Ade, Susanty PENDAMPINGAN IBU HAMIL MELALUI PENDEKATAN PSIKOEDUKASI SEBAGAI UPAYA PENCEGAHAN STUNTING BERSAMA PIMPINAN DAERAH AISYIYAH KOTA SURABAYA. SALAPARANG:Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan. Irma, Maya P. and Nur Hidayatul, Ainiyah PERBEDAAN PENINGKATAN BERAT BADAN SEBAGAI EFEK SAMPING PEMAKAIAN KONTRASEPSI HORMONAL. SINAR, 4 (2). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2685-8371 idham choliq, S.Kep, Ns. M.Kep and Mundakir, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep and Dede Nasrullah,, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kep and Sukadiono, Sukadiono and Vika Ramadhana, Fitriyani Study of Knowledge and Compliance at Muhammadiyah Autonomous Organization (ORTOM) on COVID-19 Prevention. Gaster Journal of Health Science. ISSN 1858-3385 KKen, Siwi and Hamzah Sameeh, Abu Hilail and Mutiara Firdaus, Arafiq LITERATUR REVIEW : DIABETES MELLITUS TIPE 2 DAN OSTEOARTHRITIS IMPLIKASI UNTUK MANAJEMEN FISIOTERAPI. Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan. Ken, Siwi and Rizky, Kurniawan and Fadma, Putri and Atik, Swandari PROGRAM FISIOTERAPI PADA KASUS POST ORIF 1/3 PROKSIMAL HUMERUS. Jurnal Fisioterapi Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya. Khabib, Abdullah and Atik, Swandari and Anastasia Putu, Martha Anggarani and Siti, Aisyah Somatosensory Stimulation of the Foot Versus Tai Chi to Improve Dynamic Balance in the Elderly. Gac Méd Caraca. Khabib, Abdullah and Atik, Swandari and Anastasia Putu Martha, Anggarani and Siti, Aisyah, Somatosensory Stimulation of the Foot Versus Tai Chi to Improve Dynamic Balance in the Elderly. Gac Med Caracas. Khabib, Abdullah and Atik, Swandari and Ichlasul, Amalia R and Nadhifa, Putri Q The effect of footcore stability exercise therapy on increasing range of motion and functional walking ability in cerebral palsy children. Science Midwifery. kunsah, baterun and Widyastuti, Rahma Uji Toksisitas Akut Kulit Kentang (Solanum tuberosum L.) Terhadap Larva Artemia salina Leach Dengan Metode BSLT (Brine Shrimp Lethality Test). The Journal Of Muhammadiyah Medical Laboratory Technologist. MMardliyana, Nova Elok An Overview of Anxiety Levels in Pregnant Women During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Gac Méd Caracas. Mardliyana, Nova Elok Pengaruh Pendampingan Ibu Nifas terhadap Risiko Kejadian Depresi Postpartum di Praktik Mandiri Bidan Kota Surabaya. Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya. Mardliyana, Nova Elok and Puspita, Irma Maya Pengaruh Media Edukasi Berbasis Smartphone terhadap Persiapan Persalinan Ibu Hamil pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di Kota Surabaya. Jurnal Penelitian Kesehatan Suara FORIKES. ISSN ' ISSN : 2086-3098, E-ISSN: 2502-7778 Mardliyana, Nova Elok and Puspita, Irma Maya and Ainiyah, Nur Hidayatul EFEKTIVITAS EMAS (ECONOMIC MATERNITY SIMULATOR) TERHADAP PENINGKATAN SKILL PEMERIKSAAN KEHAMILAN MAHASISWA KEBIDANAN UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH SURABAYA. Journal of Midwifery Science, 6 (1). pp. 38-46. ISSN 2549-2543 Mardliyana, Nova Elok and Puspita, Irma Maya and Ainiyah, Nur Hidayatul EFEKTIVITAS EMAS (ECONOMIC MATERNITY SIMULATOR) TERHADAP PENINGKATAN SKILL PEMERIKSAAN KEHAMILAN MAHASISWA KEBIDANAN UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH SURABAYA. EFEKTIVITAS EMAS (ECONOMIC MATERNITY SIMULATOR) TERHADAP PENINGKATAN SKILL PEMERIKSAAN KEHAMILAN MAHASISWA KEBIDANAN UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH SURABAYA. ISSN P-ISSN : 2549-2543, E-ISSN : 2579-7077 Mardliyana, Nova Elok and Puspita, Irma Maya and rozifa, Annisa Wigati Utilization of complementary therapy in midwife services in the City Of Surabaya. JNKI (Jurnal Ners dan Kebidanan Indonesia) (Indonesian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery). Mardliyana, Nova Elok and Wulandari, Yuanita and Qodliyah, Awwalul Wiladatil and Puspita, Irma Maya An Overview of Anxiety Levels in Pregnant Women During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Gac Méd Caracas, 130 (Supl 1). Martinus Bagus, Eko Wicaksono and Atik, Swandari and Ken, Siwi PENGARUH LATIHAN PENGUATAN ABDUKTOR HIP TERHADAP PENURUNAN NYERI PADA WANITA DENGAN OSTEOARTHRITIS LUTUT. Jurnal Fisioterapi Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya. Maulidiyanti, Ellies Tunjung Sari and Purwaningsih, Nur Vita and Widyastuti, Rahma and Arimurti, Anindita Riesti Retno and Rahmawati, Rinza The Effect of Storage Time for Pooled Sera on Freezers on the Quality of Clinical Chemical Examination. Medicra (Journal of Medical Laboratory Science/Technology. Mundakir, Mundakir and Asri, Asri and Septian Galuh .W, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kep Community-based Management and Control of Tuberculosis in Sub-urban Surabaya, Indonesia: A Qualitative Study. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences. Mundakir, Mundakir and Asri, Asri and Septian Galuh .W, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kep and Pipit, Festy W and Ratna Puji, Priyanti Community Perception of Tuberculosis Management Program in Suburban Surabaya: A Qualitative Study. The 4th International Virtual Conference on Nursing. Mundakir, Mundakir and Ika Nur, Ramadhani and Yuanita, Wulandari and Siti, Aisyah, Correlation Self-Efficacy and Nurse Motivation in the Implementation of Nursing Care in a Private Hospital. Indian Jurnal of Publich Health Research and Development. Mundakir, Mundakir and Masfiyah, I’in and Uswatun Hasanah, S.Kep.,NS.,M.Kes and Sukadiono, Sukadiono menurunkan Kecemasan Remaja pada Masa Pandemi Covid-9 Melalui Pendidikan Kesehatan Secara Daring di Dukuh Sutorejo Kecamatan Mulyorejo. Aksiologiya. ISSN 2528-4967 E-ISSN : 2548-219x Mundakir, Mundakir and Yuanita, Wulandari and Nur, Mukarromah PENDEKATAN MODEL ASUHAN KEPERAWATAN HOLISTIK SEBAGAI UPAYA PENINGKATAN KEPUASAN DAN KESELAMATAN PASIEN DI RUMAH SAKIT. Jurnal Keperawatan Muhammadiyah. NNastiti, Kartikorini Analisa Cemaran Logam Berat (Pb, Cd, Zn) Pada Makanan dan Minuman Kemasan Kaleng Dengan Menggunakan Metode Spektrofotometri Serapan Atom (SSA). The Journal of Muhammadiyah Medical Laboratory Technology, 1 (4). pp. 100-110. ISSN 2597-3681 Nashrullah, Rofiq Farhi and Wibowo, Nugroho Ari and Wijaya, Siswanto Agung and Adyani, Asta Relationship between Motivation and Type II Diabetes Mellitus Dietary Compliance. Jurnal Magna Medika, 8 (2). ISSN 2774-2318 Nasrullah, Dede and Rahayu, Esti and Hadi, Suyatno and Ari, Nugroho and Sukadiono, Sukadiono Pengaruh Terapi Olesan Krim Minyak Zaitun dan Perasan Jahe terhadap Penurunan Intensitas Nyeri pada Lansia Rheumathoid Arthritis. Jurnal of Health Studies. ISSN ISSN 2549-3353 Nasrullah, Dede and Reliani, Reliani and Masfiyah, Iin and Sukadiono, Sukadiono and Mundakir, Mundakir A PHENOMENOLOGY STUDY FOR PRECIPATATING FACTOR OF AUDITORY HALLUCINATION ON PATIENT WITH SCIZOFRENIA AT MENTAL HOSPITAL IN SURABAYA. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 24 (10). pp. 1752-1759. ISSN ISSN : 1475-7192 Nastiti, Kartikorini The Potential of Banana kepok (Musa acuminata balbisiana colla) skin on free fatty acid levels in oil. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology (RJPT), 16 (1). pp. 129-132. ISSN 0974-3618 Nastiti, Kartikorini Profil Tanin Pada Teh Seduh Dengan Paparan Suhu Penyeduhan Yang Berbeda. The Journal of Muhammadiyah Medical Laboratory Technology, 1 (4). pp. 111-119. ISSN 2597-3681 Nastiti, Kartikorini and Baterun, Kunsah and Diah, Ariana and Wiki, Rusdiana Efektivitas Lama Perendaman Serbuk Kulit Jeruk Manis (Citrus sinensis) Terhadap Bilangan Peroksida Pada Minyak Jelantah. The Journal Of Muhammadiyah Medical Laboratory Technologist. Nova, Elok M. and Irma, Maya P., and Nur, Hidayatul Ainiyah Edukasi penggunaan obat herbal dalam kehamilan untuk meningkatkan imunitas pada masa pandemi covid. Discussion Paper. Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya. (Unpublished) Nugroho, Ari wibowo and Retno, Sumara and Aries, Chandra and Ratna, Agustin and Septian, Galuh .W and Erfan, Rofiqi and Fathiya, Luthfil Yumni and Rizaldi Heru, Susanto Artikel Permainan Monopoly Jajanan Sehat. Artikel Permainan Monopoly Jajanan Sehat. (Unpublished) Nur, Mukarromah and Yuanita, Wulandari and Rheyma, Sinar and Eni, Sumarliyah. The Effect of Giving a Hot Pack to Grade Shivering in Post-Operative Patients Following a Cesarian Section in the Recovery Room. GACETA MEDICA DE CARACAS. Nur Alina Hidayatur, Rizki and Anik, Handayati and Ellies, Tunjung SM. Correlation of Neutrophil and Lymphocyte Counts in Patient Infected with Coronavirus (Covid-19). HEALTH NOTIONS, 6 (3). pp. 118-121. ISSN 25804936 Nur Vita, Purwaningsih and Ellies, Tunjung SM. and Rahma, Widyastuti Comparison of Serum Stability Against Uric Acid and Glucose. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 16 (4). ISSN 0974-360X PPipit, Festy W, and Jilan, Atarisma and Ellies, Tunjung SM. Studi Pemeriksaan Sedimen Urine berdasarkan Karakteristik Pada Penikmat Kopi di Asrama Kiwal Brawijaya Surabaya. TheJournalOf MuhammadiyahMedicalLaboratoryTechnologist, 5 (1). ISSN 2597-3681 Pipit, Festy W, and Lu’lu’il, Barroqoh and Siti, Aisyah, PENGARUH PENDIDIKAN KESEHATAN DENGAN MEDIA AUDIOVISUAL TERHADAP PERILAKU LANSIA TENTANG PERSONAL HYGIENE. JI-KES (Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan). Purwaningsih, Nur Vita and Maulidiyanti, Ellies Tunjung Sari and Widyastuti, Rahma Comparison of serum stability against stability uric acid and glucose. Research journal of pharmacy and technology. Purwaningsih, Nur Vita and Maulidiyanti, Ellies Tunjung Sari and Widyastuti, Rahma Comparison of serum stability against uric acid and glucose. Researchj Journal of pharmacy and technology. Purwaningsih, Nur Vita and Widyastuti, Rahma Perbandingan Pemeriksaan Leukosit Urine Segar Dengan Setelah 2 Jam Di Suhu Kamar. The Journal Of Muhammadiyah Medical Laboratory Technologist. 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ISSN 2597-3681 Rahmawati, Rinza and Purwaningsih, Nur Vita and Widyastuti, Rahma Stimulus from the activator agent Solanum melongena L. on sperm quality through the lipid profile of Rattus norvegicus with hyperlipid induction. GACETA MEDICA DE CARACAS. Rahmawati, Rinza and Widyastuti, Rahma and Purwaningsih, Nur Vita Pemantauan Pasien Dengan Diagnosa Gagal Ginjal Kronik Di RSUD Sumber RejoBojonegoro. The Journal Of Muhammadiyah Medical Laboratory Technologist. Rahmawati, Rinza and Widyastuti, Rahma and kunsah, baterun The effect of pacitan’s sweet orange’s (Citrus sinensis (L.) osbeck) peel powder on the lipid profile of male dyslipidemia rats (Rattus novergicus). Bali Medical Journal (Bali Med J). Ratna Puji, Priyanti and Asri, Asri and Linlin, Lindayani and Anja Hesnia, Kholis and Nurul, Hidayah and Fahruddin, Kurdi Sustainable Community-based Disaster Management for Flood in Indonesia. Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences. 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ISSN 2541-2396 Sherley, Agustina and Rahma Widyastuti, S.Si., M.Kes. and Vella Rohmayani, S.Pd., M.Si Analysis of the Quality of Examination of Cleaning Workers' Feature Samples Using the Saturated NaCl and ZnSO4 33% Method. The 4th International Conference On Medical Laboratory Technology (ICOMLT). p. 2024. ISSN 3030-878X Siswanto, Agung and Yuanita, Wulandari and Rizki Indah, Lestari Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kesiapsiagaan Bencana Gempa Bumi Pada lansia di Posyandu Puntodewo Tanjungsari Surabaya. Jurnal Keperawatan Muhammadiyah. Siti, Aisyah, and Citra Maulidya Wahyu, Imani and Puji, Rahayu Hubungan Caring Perawat Terhadap Tingkat Kepuasan Pasien Di Ruang Rawat Inap 1 Rumah Sakit Umum Haji Surabaya. J u r n a l K e p e r a w a t a n M u h a m m a d i y a h. Siti, Mardiyah Pengaruh Lama Pemanasan Terhadap Kadar Alkohol Pada Nira Siwalan (Borassus flabellifer). The Journal of Muhammadiyah Medical Laboratory Technologist, 1 (1). pp. 9-15. ISSN 2597-3681 Sukadiono, Sukadiono and Novianti, Ika and Uliyah, Musrifatul and Nasrullah, Dede FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMENGARUHI KEJADIAN PLEBITIS DI RUANG MARWAH RSU HAJI SURABAYA. Qanun Medika. ISSN 2541-2272 Sumara, Retno and Saputro, Suyatno Hadi and Sumarliyah, Eni and Nuraini, Reza IDENTIFIKASI GEJALA PASCA VAKSINASI COVID-19 DOSIS KE-3 (BOOSTER). Jurnal Keperawatan Muhammadiyah Edisi Khusus ICHIT 2023. ISSN 2597-7539 Sumara, Retno and Suyatno, Hadi S. and Mukarromah, Nur and Wibowo, Nugroho Ari IDENTIFIKASI FAKTOR RISIKO KEJADIAN PENYAKIT JANTUNG KORONER DI RUMAH SAKIT UMUM HAJI SURABAYA. Jurnal Keperawatan Muhammadiyah. Sumara, Retno and Wibowo, Nugroho Ari FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG BERHUBUNGAN DENGAN VAP (VENTILATOR ASSOCIATED PNEUMONIA) PADA PASIEN YANG TERPASANG VENTILASI MEKANIK DI RUANG ICU RSU HAJI SURABAYA. Jurnal Keperawatan Muhammadiyah Surabaya, 6 (3). ISSN 2541-1396 E-ISSN : 2597-7539 Sumara, Retno and Wibowo, Nugroho Ari and Indarti, Indarti Identifikasi Faktor Kejadian Penyakit Jantung Koroner Terhadap Wanita Usia ≤ 50 Tahun di RSU Haji Surabaya. Jurnal Keperawatan Muhammadiyah, 6 (2). pp. 53-59. ISSN 2685-1946 Sumara, Retno and Wibowo, Nugroho Ari and Indarti, Indarti Identifikasi Faktor Kejadian Penyakit Jantung Koroner Terhadap Wanita Usia ≤ 50 Tahun di RSU Haji Surabaya. Jurnal Manajemen Asuhan Keperawatan, 6 (2). pp. 53-59. ISSN 2356-3079 Sumara, Retno and Wibowo, Nugroho Ari and Sumarliyah, Eni Pemanfaatan Herbal :Ubi Jalar Ungu (Ipomoea Batatas L.) Rebus Sebagai Makanan Selingan Dalam Menurunkan Kadar Glukosa Darah Pasien Diabates Mellitus Tipe II Di Desa Paciran Lamongan. Jurnal Manajemen Asuhan Keperawatan, 7 (1). ISSN 2356-3079 Sumara, Retno and Wibowo, Nugroho Ari and wulandari, Tri Ratna FAKTOR YANG BERHUBUNGAN DENGAN VAP (VENTILATOR ASSOCIATED PNEUMONIA) PADA PASIEN YANG TERPASANG VENTILASI MEKANIK DI RUANG ICU RSU HAJI SURABAYA. Jurnal Keperawatan Muhammadiyah, 6 (3). ISSN 25977539 Sumara, Retno and Wibowo, Nugroho Ari and wulandari, Tri Ratna FAKTOR YANG BERHUBUNGAN DENGAN VAP (VENTILATOR ASSOCIATED PNEUMONIA) PADA PASIEN YANG TERPASANG VENTILASI MEKANIK DI RUANG ICU RSU HAJI SURABAYA. Jurnal Keperawatan Muhammadiyah. ISSN 2597-7359 Supatmi, Supatmi and Ana, Yuslina and Yuanita, Wulandari and Fathiya Luthfil, Yumni Hubungan Durasi Tidur Dengan Siklus Menstruasi Pada Mahasiswa Keperawatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya. Sinar Jurnal Kebidanan. Syadida, Mufti Qoulan and Arimurti, Anindita Riesti Retno and Saputro, Suyatno Hadi and Azizah, Fitrotin Identification of Intestinal Nematodes and Cestodes in Cows (Boss Sp.) 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ISSN ISSN: 1475-7192 YYuanita, Wulandari Effectiveness And Efficiency of Massage Therapy in Pain Management of Vaginal Delivery. JURNAL KEPERAWATAN MUHAMMADIYAH. |