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Abidin, Muhammad Anas and Dr. Ahmad. Idris Asmaradhani, , M. Pd. and Drs. Djoko. Ardhityawan, , M. Pd. (2012) THE ANALYSIS OF MAIN CHARACTER’S CONFLICT IN ANIMAL FARM BY GEORGE ORWELL. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Afandi Putri, Winar Gumilang and Dra. Mas’ulah, MA and Ari Setyorini, S.S, MA (2014) AN ANALYSIS OF FEMINISM DEPICTED IN SHE’S THE MAN FILM BY ANDY FICKMAN. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Afriliya, Naning and Dra. Mas’ulah, , M. A. and Ari Setyorini, , S. S., M. A. (2015) AMERICAN BLACK WOMEN AS REPRESENTATION OF RACIAL DISCRIMINATION IN KATHRYN STOCKETT’S THE HELP. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Aina, Qorry and Dra. Mas’ulah, , M. A. and Drs. Djoko Ardhityawan,, M. Pd. (2013) AN ANALYSIS OF MAIN CHARACTERS AND CONFLICTS IN JAMES THURBER’S THE SECRET LIFE OF WALTER MITTY AND JAMES JOYCE’S THE EVELINE. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Alfiansyah, Ilham and Dra. Mas’ulah, , M. A. and Armeria Wijaya, , S. S., M. Pd. (2015) A LEXICAL STYLE OF THREE POEMS WRITTEN BY JOHN KEATS. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Aminatuzzuhriyyah, Aminatuzzuhriyyah and Drs. Wijayadi, , M. Pd. and PramudanaIhsan,, S. Hum, M. Pd. (2015) AN EXISTENTIALISM ANALYSIS OF CHEKHOV’S MAIN CHARACTERS SMIRNOV IN “THE BEAR”, LOMOV IN “THE PROPOSAL” AND IVAN IN “A TRAGEDIAN IN SPITE OF HIMSELF”. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Anhar, Nasrully and Dr. Ahmad Idris Asmaradhani, M. Pd and Drs. Wijayadi, M.Pd (2012) THE ANALYSIS OF SYMBOLS IN A DOLL’S HOUSE BY HENRIK IBSEN. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Ari Setyorini, , SS., MA. and Pramudana Ihsan,, S.Hum., M.Pd. (2017) THE PRACTICE OF STATE APPARATUSES IN LOWRY’S THE GIVER. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Ariadi, Nanang and Dra. Mas’ulah, , MA. and Ari Setyorini, S.S, MA (2014) THE INFLUENCE OF SARA’S CHARACTERIZATION TO HER FRIENDS IN FRANCES HODGSON BURNETT’S NOVEL “A LITTLE PRINCESS”. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Aryani, Astrid Nur and Drs. Wijayadi, , M.Pd. and Waode Hamsia, , M.Pd. (2017) AN ANALYSIS OF SPEECH STYLE USED BY THE MAIN CHARACTERS IN FROZEN MOVIE SCRIPT. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Asyri, Charirotul and Dr. A. Idris Asmaradhani,, M. Pd. and Drs. Wijayadi,, M. Pd. (2013) AN ANALYSIS OF FIGURES OF SPEECH IN EDGAR ALLAN POE’S POEMS. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Atik, Atik and Dra. Mas’ulah, , M. A. and Radius Setiyawan, , S. Pd., M. A. (2016) BENJAMIN PSYCHOSOCIAL DEVELOPMENT IN FITZGERALD “CURIOUS CASE OF BENJAMIN BUTTON”. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.


Bakti, Leni Susanti Novia and Dra Mas’ulah, , M. A. and Drs. Djoko Ardhityawan, , M. Pd. (2013) AN ANALYSIS OF SYMBOLS IN EMILY DICKINSON’S POEMS. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.


Dewantoro, Dwi Angga and Dra. Mas’ulah, MA and Ari Setyorini, S.S, MA (2014) SELF DEFENSE MECHANISM IN ROBERT FROST’S “FIRE AND ICE, STOPPING BY WOODS ON A SNOWY EVENING AND THE ROAD NOT TAKEN” POEM. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Dewi, Eva Kusuma and Drs. H. Wijayadi, , M. Pd. and Dr. H. Ahmad Idris. Adh, , M. Pd. (2013) ANALYSIS OF CODE MIXING AND CODE SWITCHING IN THE NOVEL ROJAK BY FIRA BASUKI. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.


Faizzati, Dwi Inaya and H. Drs. Wijayadi, , M.Pd. and Radius Setiyawan , S.Pd., MA. (2017) THE ANALYSIS OF JOE KELLER’S MORAL VALUE REFLECTED IN ARTHUR MILLER’S ALL MY SON. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Fauziyah, Fika and Ari Setyorini, , S. S., M. A. and Radius Setiyawan, , S. Pd., M. A. (2016) THE INFLUENCE OF CONFLICTS UPON FEMALE CHARACTER’S STRUCTURE OF PERSONALITY IN “A MOTHER OF MONSTERS” “USELESS BEAUTY” AND “A WIDOW” BY MAUPASSANT. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Febriani, Devia and Ari Setyorini, , S. S, M. A. and Pramudana Ihsan, , S. Hum., M. Pd. (2015) FAILURE MECHANISM OF PERCY WETMORE IN STEPHEN KING’S THE GREEN MILE. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Fitri, Nurul and Dra. Mas’ulah , MA. and Ari Setyorini , S.S, MA (2014) THE CHARACTERIZATION OF LORD VOLDEMORT IN HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE BY J.K ROWLING SEEN FROM PSYCHOANALYSIS. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Fitrianingsih, Siti Nur Indah and Dra. Mas’ulah, , MA. and Pramudana Ihsan,, S.Hum.,M.Pd. (2017) AN ANALYSIS OF ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES IN THE REPLENISH THE EARTH DRAMA SCRIPT BY D.M. LARSON. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Fitriyah, Ninik and Dra. Mas’ulah, , MA. and Linda Mayasari, , S. Pd., M.Pd. (2015) ANALYSIS OF FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE IN A FAIRY SONG, A MADRIGAL AND ALL THE WORLD’S A STAGE BY WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.


Harijanto, Harijanto and Drs. Djoko Ardhityawan, M. Pd and Drs. Wijayadi, M.Pd (2012) ANALISIS PERSONALITAS TOKOH UTAMA DALAM PRIDE AND PREJUDICE KARYA JANE AUSTEN. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Hidayati, Nurul and Dra. Mas’ulah, , M. A. and Drs. Djoko Ardhityawan,, M. Pd. (2013) CONFLICTS OF MAIN CHARACTERS IN HECTOR HUGH MUNRO’S SHORT STORIES THE OPEN WINDOW AND THE INTERLOPERS. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Husnatul Laily Dian, Al’Afiyah and Drs. Wijayadi, , M. Pd. and Drs.Farhan Noor, , M. Pd. (2014) THE ANALYSIS OF COMEDY IN ANTON CHEKHOV’S THE BOOR. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.


Ismi, Millatul and Dr. Ahmad Idris Asmaradhani, , M. Pd. and Drs. Achmad Fathoni, , S. Pd., M. Pd. (2015) SOME METAPHORS IN “CROSSING THE BAR” BY ALFRED LORD TENNYSON. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Istiqamah, Nurul and Dra. Mas’ulah, M. A. and Linda Mayasari , S. Pd., M. Pd. (2013) THE ANALYSIS OF INTERNAL CONFLICT OF THE MAIN CHARACTER IN THE NOVEL THE NOTE FROM THE UNDERGROUND BY FYODOR DOSTOYEVSKY. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.


Kholida, Dyah Novianti Sundusiyah and Drs. Djoko Soeloeh Marhaen, , M. A. and Drs. Djoko Ardhityawan, , M. Pd. (2013) SELF ACTUALIZATION OF EVELINE IN JAMES JOYCE’S EVELINE. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Khotimah, Selvi Khusnul and Dra. Mas’ulah, , M. A. and Linda Mayasari, , S. Pd., M. Pd. (2015) AN ANALYSIS CHARLIE’S PERSONALITIES IN THE PERKS OF BEING A WALLFLOWER BY USING PSYCHOANALITICAL APPROACH. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Kurniawati , Octavia and Dra. Mas’ ulah, , M. A. and Ari Setyorini, , S. S., M. A. (2015) The Analysis of Figure of Speech in Emily Dickinson’s“Success is Counted Sweetest” “I Had no Time to Hate”, and “Have You Got a Brook In Your Little Heart”. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.


Lailiyah, Ni’matul and Gusti Nur Hafifah, , M. Pd. and Armeria Wijaya, , S. S., M. Pd. (2015) THE EFFECTIVENESS OF COMIC STRIPS IN INCREASING STUDENTS SPEAKING ABILITY IN THE SECOND YEAR OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Lailiyah , Nurul Fuadah and Dr. Ahmad Idris Asmaradhani, , M.Pd. and Linda Mayasari, , S.Pd, M.Pd. (2014) THE ANALYSIS OF CONVERSATIONAL IMPLICATURES IN THE FILM SCRIPT ENTITLED THE SIXTH SENSE BY M. NIGHT SHYAMALAN. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Larasati, Debby Shintia and Dra. Mas’ulah, , M. A. and Ari Setyorini, , S. S., M. A. (2015) ECOLOGICAL ISSUES AS EXPRESSED IN WILLIAM WORDSWORTH POEMS “THE WORLD IS TOO MUCH WITH US”, “LINES WRITTEN IN EARLY SPRING”, “ I WANDERED LONELY AS A CLOUD”. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Latifah, Latifah and Dr. M. Ridlwan, M.Pd. (2010) ANALISIS NILAI MORAL DALAM NOVEL BUMI CINTA KARYA HABIBURRAHMAN EL SHIRAZZY. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Lubis, Fadilah Fauziah (2018) THE EXISTENCE AND BEING FOR-OTHERS STUDY ON TEACHER MAN BY FRANK MCCOURT. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Lubsi, Arina and Dr. Dwijani Ratna dewi, M.Pd. and Armeria Wijaya, , S.S, M.Pd. (2014) NINA’S CHARACTERIZATION REFLECTED IN THE SPEECH ACTS IN BLACK SWAN FILM. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.


Mafturoh, Fajriatul and Ari Setyorini, , S. S., M. A. and Pramudana Ihsan, , S. Hum., M. Pd. (2016) THE DEFENSE MECHANISM AND THE STRATEGY OF KATNISEVERDEEN IN SUZANNE COLLIN’S “THE HUNGER GAMES”. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Mahzi, Melda and Dr. Dwijani Ratna dewi , M.Pd and Armeria Wijaya, SS., M.Pd (2014) AN ANALYSIS OF THE INTENDED MEANINGS OF ROSE’S UTTERANCES IN THE MOVIE TITANIC. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Marchelinata, Rizki Rachmaniar and Dra. Mas’ulah, , M. A. and Ari Setyorini, , M. A. (2013) AN ANALYSIS OF FIGURE OF SPEECH IN EMILY DICKINSON’S POEMS. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Mariani, Dwi and Dr. Ainurrokhim, , M. Pd. and Drs. Djoko Ardhityawan, , M. Pd. (2013) ANALYSIS ID, EGO AND SUPEREGO OF FREDERIC HENRY’S CHARACTER IN A FAREWELL TO ARMS BY ERNEST HEMINGWAY. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Mariyam, Siti and Dr. A. Idris Asmaradhani, , M. Pd. and Drs. Djoko Soeloeh Marhaen, , M. A. (2013) HUMOR IN YAKOV SMIRNOFF’S EXPRESSIONS IN STAND-UP COMEDY: AN ANALYSIS OF “AMERICA: WHAT A COUNTRY!”. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Maryam, Maryam and Dra. Mas’ulah, , M. A. and Linda Mayasari, , S. Pd., M. Pd. (2013) AN ANALYSIS OF LIFE STRUGGLE OF THE MAIN CHARACTER THROUGH PLOT IN THE NOVEL THE OLD MAN AND THE SEA BY ERNEST HEMINGWAY. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Masruroh, Masruroh and Drs. Djoko Soeloeh Marhaen,, M. A. and Drs. H. Wijayadi, , M. Pd. (2013) AN ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACTS IN ERNEST HEMINGWAY’S THE KILLERS. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Minanti, Ayu Putri and Dra. Mas’ulah, , MA. and Ari Setyorini, , SS., MA. (2014) A STUDY OF DREAMS BY THE CHARACTERS IN PAULO COELHO’S THE ALCHEMIST. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Mudriah, Siti and Dr. H. A. Idris Asmarandhani, , M. Pd. and Drs. Wijayadi, , M. Pd. (2013) THE ROLE OF THE MAIN CHARACTER’S CONFLICTS IN SHAPING THE PLOT IN ANTON CHEKHOV’S FAT AND THIN. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Mufida, Muhimmatul and Dr. M. Ridlwan, M.Pd. and Pheni Cahya, M.Pd (2017) MULTIKULTURALISME GENDER PADA FILM 7 HATI 7 CINTA 7 WANITA KARYA ROBBY ERTANTO. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Muliyono, Candra and Ari Setyorini, , S.S., MA. and Radius Setyawan, , S.Pd, MA. (2016) IMAGERY MEANING IN HENRY TIMROD’S POEMS ENTITLE “HARK TO THE SHOUTING WIND’’, ‘’HYMN - A SACRED CONCERT’’ AND ‘’’ON PRESSING SOME FLOWERS”. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Munir, Ah Misbahul and Dr. Dwijani Ratnadewi, , M. Pd. and Waode Hamsia, , S. Pd., M. Pd. (2015) SOCIOLINGUISTIC ASPECTS OF IVAN VASSILEVITCH LOMOV’S POLITENESS STRATEGY IN ANTON CHEKHOV’S THE PROPOSAL. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Muslimah, Realita and Drs. Wijayadi, , M. Pd. and Drs. Djoko Soeloeh Marhaen, , M. A. (2013) AN ANALYSIS MASCULINITY OF JO IN LOUISA MAY ALCOTT’S LITTLE WOMEN. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Muthiah, Siti and Dra. Mas’ulah , MA and Ari Setyorini, SS, MA (2014) AN ANALYSIS OF FEMINISM IN KATE CHOPIN’S NOVEL THE AWAKENING AS REFLECTED THROUGH EDNA PONTELLIER’S CHARACTER. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Muthiah, Siti and Dra. Mas’ulah, MA and Ari Setyorini,, SS, MA (2014) AN ANALYSIS OF FEMINISM IN KATE CHOPIN’S NOVEL THE AWAKENING AS REFLECTED THROUGH EDNA PONTELLIER’S CHARACTER. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Muzayanah, Muzayanah and Dra. Mas'ulah, M.A. (2007) ANALYSIS OF PLOT THROUGH THE CHARACTERS’S CONFLICT IN KING LEAR BY WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.


Ningrum, Eka Dahlia and Dra. Mas’ulah, , M. A. and Ari Setyorini, , S. S., M. A. (2015) THE MYSTERY OF DEATH IN ROBERT FROST’S POEMS. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Nuraini, Hesty and Dra. Mas’ulah, , M. A. and Ari Setyorini, , S. S., M. A. (2015) LENNIE’S FETISHISM AS PORTRAYED IN JOHN STEINBECK’S OF MICE AND MEN. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.


Octavia, Ade Venti Noer and Ari Setyorini, , S. S., M. A. and Pramudana Ihsan, , S. Hum, M. Pd. (2015) GRENOUILLE’S ANXIETY IN ACHIEVING HIS OBSESSION IN TOM TYKWER’S “PERFUME” MOVIE. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.


Pebruono, Gunawan and Ari Setyorini, , S. S., M. A. and Pramudana Ihsan, , S. Hum., M. Pd. (2016) THE INFLUENCE OF DEFENSE MECHANISM ON JOHN’S PERSONALITY IN DAVID MAMET’S OLEANNA. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Purwaningsih, Herna and Drs. H. Wijayadi, M.Pd and Dr. Ahmad Idris Asmaradhani, M.Pd (2011) ABBIE’S AMBITION IN MARRYING OLD CABOT IN EUGENE O’NEILL’S DESIRE UNDER THE ELMS: AN INDIVIDUAL PSYCHOLOGY APPROACH. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Andhika Cahyono Putra, Andre Ridho Saputro, Noviana Rina Ramadani, Noviantus Zaidah, Fahriza Ramadhan, Amanda Nurul Shafa, Fabrizio Mosca Bagas Saputra (2023) DryCre (Drying Crecker). EC00202404155.

Putri, Mita Dwi Kurnia and Drs. Wijayadi, , M.Pd. and Waode Hamsia,, M.Pd. (2017) A STUDY OF SPEECH ACTS PRODUCED BY MAIN CHARACTER IN “ALL MY SONS” BY ARTHUR MILLER. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Putri , Viviana and Dra. Mas’ulah , MA and Ari Setyorini , S.S, MA (2014) AN ANALYSIS OF LOVE IN TAYLOR SWIFT’S SONGS “ LOVE STORY , “YOU BELONG WITH ME, “ BACK TO DECEMBER “THOURGH FIGURE OF SPEECH. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.


Qolbi, Ashfi Kadarol and Drs. Wijayadi,, M. Pd. and Drs. Farhan Noor, , M. Pd. (2015) A STUDY OF ILLOCUTIONARY ACTS USED BY POPPY AND KATE IN “WILD CHILD” MOVIE. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.


Rahadi, Amanda Widhi and Dr. Ahmad Idris Asmaradhani, , M. Pd. and Drs. Achmad Fathoni , M. Pd. (2015) ANALYSIS OF MAIN CHARACTER’S POST-TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER IN HANNIBAL RISING BY THOMAS HARRIS. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Rahadi, Amanda Widhi and Dr. Ahmad Idris Asmaradhani, , M. Pd. and Drs. Achmad Fathoni , M. Pd. (2015) ANALYSIS OF MAIN CHARACTER’S POST-TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER IN HANNIBAL RISING BY THOMAS HARRIS. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Raharta, Akhbar Pradana and Dr. Dwijani Ratnadewi, , M. Pd. and Waode Hamsia, , S. Pd., M. Pd. (2015) AN ANALYSIS OF METAPHOR IN MAYA ANGELOU’S CAGED BIRD AND STILL I RISE POEMS. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Rahmadhani, Tenny Cahyanti and Dra. Mas’ulah, , MA. and Radius Setiyawan, , S.Pd., MA. (2017) A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF ANTI-COLONIALISM IN THE PIANIST AND DEFIANCE MOVIE SCRIPTS. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Rahmah, Ulfa Sufiya and Sujinah, Sujinah and Affandy, Ali Nuke (2020) Analisis Semiotika Pierce pada Pertunjukan Tari Dhânggâ Madura. Jurnal Sosial Humaniora (JSH), 13 (2). pp. 203-215. ISSN 1979-5521

Rahmana, Fais and Dr. H. A. Idris Asmarandhani, M. Pd. and Linda Mayasari, S.Pd, M. Pd. (2014) AN ANALYSIS OF FIGURES OF SPEECH IN TWO ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING’S POEMS. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Rahmawati, Yulia (2014) THE INTERNAL CONFLICTS SUFFERED BY NATALYA IN THE PROPOSAL. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Ristiani, Ria and Dra. Mas’ulah, MA and Ari Setyorini, SS, MA (2014) AN ANALYSIS OF FEMINISM IN SYLVIA PLATH’S NOVEL THE BELL JAR. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Rizqiyah, Fatmawati and Dra. Mas’ulah, , MA. and Ari Setyorini, , S.S, MA. (2014) AN ANALYSIS OF A SUZANNE COLLINS’ “THE HUNGER GAMES” SEEN THROUGH HEGEMONY. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.


Roikhannah, Ari and Waode Hamsiah, , S.Pd., M.Pd. and Sofi Yunianti, , S.S., M.Pd. (2017) A STUDY OF TURN TAKING USED BY SOIMAH ON THE PROGRAM DANGDUT ACADEMY ASIA 2 INDOSIAR. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Rozzaq, Ahmad Cholilir and Dr. Dwijani Ratnadewi, , M. Pd. and Waode Hamsia, , S. Pd. M. Pd. (2015) A CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS RELATED TO POWER RELATION IN FILM “THE JUDGE”. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.


Septa Niki Sabdoadi, Andhika Cahyono Putra, Ricko Aldi Wiranto, Achamad Andra Setiyawan (2022) Kursi S_i_S (Shoes In Shoes). EC00202291767.

Saiful, Jepri Ali and Dra. Mas’ulah,, MA and Ari Setyorini, , S.S, MA (2014) THE SYMBOLS OF GENDER-STEREOTYPE IN HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN’S THE LITTLE MERMAID. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Sari, Catur Nurma Lita and Dra. Mas’ulah, , M. A. and Armeria Wijaya, , S. S., M. Pd. (2015) PLOT ANALYSIS OF “SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARFS” AND “SLEEPING BEAUTY” BY WILHELM CARL GRIMM AND JACOB CARL GRIMM. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Sari, Erni Novita and Ari Setyorini, , S. S., M. A. and Pramudana Ihsan, , S. Hum., M. Pd. (2015) KWEI-LAN’S AMBIVALENCE IN EAST WIND WEST WIND NOVEL BY PEARL S BUCK. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Sari, Fitri Maretno and Dra. Mas’ulah, , M. A. and Armeria Wijaya, , S. S, M. Pd (2015) SOCIO HISTORICAL ANALYSIS OF SAMUEL BECKETT’S WAITING FOR GODOT. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Saswita, Yeny (2018) Nilai Pendidikan Islam Dalam Novel 29 Juz Harga Wanita Karya Ma’mun Affany. Masters thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Sianipar, Teoremanita Resty and Dr. Ahmad Idris Asmaradhani, , M. Pd. and Drs. Wijayadi, , M. Pd. (2013) A STUDY OF MORAL VALUE AS REFLECTED IN THE CHARACTER THE PEARL BY JOHN STEINBECK. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Solihah, Efifatus and Ari Setyorini, , S. S., M. A. and Pramudana Ihsan, , S. Hum., M. Pd. (2015) PORTRAIT OF NOTHINGNESS THROUGH THE CHARACTERIZATION OF GREGOR IN KAFKA’S THE METAMORPHOSIS. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Susanti, Dwi Kiki Luki Yuni and Drs. H. Wijayadi, , M. Pd. and Pramudana Ihsan, , S. Hum., M. Pd. (2015) COMMODIFICATION OF MRS. PRINGLE IN “FOURTEEN” AND HARRIET AND HETTY IN “OVERTONES” BY ALICE GERSTENBERG. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.


Tanalin, Tanalin and Ari Setyorini, , S. S., M. A. and Pramudana Ihsan, , S. Hum., M. Pd. (2015) A PORTRAIT OF SLAVERY IN JOHN RIDLEY’S “12 YEARS A SLAVE”. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Tari, Nian and Drs. Djoko Soeloeh Marhaen, , M. A. and Drs. Wijayadi, , M. Pd. (2013) AN ANALYSIS ON SOME EMILY DICKINSON’S POEMS USING HERMENEUTICS THEORY. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.


Wahyuni, Nur and Dr. Dwijani Ratnadewi, M.Pd and Armeria Wijaya, S.S, M.Pd (2014) AN ANALYSIS OF POLITENESS STRATEGIES USED BY THE MAIN CHARACTERS IN THE KARATE KID MOVIE BY HARALD ZWART. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Wahyuni, Shobrina Eka and Ari Setyorini, , S. S., M. A. and Pramudana Ihsan, , S. Hum., M. Pd. (2015) A PSYCHOLOGICAL STUDY ON HELEN KELLER’S STRUCTURE OF PERSONALITY AS SEEN IN THE STORY OF MY LIFENOVEL BY HELEN KELLER. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Wahyuni, Sri and Drs. Djoko Soeloeh Marhaen, , M. A. and Dra. Mas’ulah, , M. A. (2013) FEMINISM DEPICTED IN GEORGE ELIOT’S MIDDLEMARCH. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Windayanti, Windayanti and Dra. Mas’ulah, , MA. and Ari Setyorini,, MA. (2014) IMAGERY MEANING IN ROBERT FROST’S POEMS ENTITLE “THE ROAD NOT TAKEN” AND “STOPPING BY WOOD IN A SNOWY EVENING”. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Wulan Ariyanti, Candra Dewi and Dra. Mas’ulah, MA and Ari Setyorini, MA (2014) THE DEVELOPMENT OF DAISY’S THOUGHT SEEN FROM FEMINISM IN GREAT GATSBY NOVEL BY F. SCOTT FITZGERALD. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

Wulandari, Susi Catur and Dra. Mas’ulah, , M.A. and Ari Setyorini, , S.S, M.A. (2017) AN ANALYSIS OF SYMBOL IN WALT WHITMAN’S POEMS “BEAT! BEAT! DRUMS”, “O CAPTAIN! MY CAPTAIN!”, “FOR HIM I SING”. Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.


Yuniarta, Rizky and Drs. H. Wijayadi, M.Pd. and Linda Mayasari, S.Pd., M.Pd. (2014) AN ANALYSIS OF CODE SWITCHING AND CODE MIXING USED BY THE CHARACTERS IN NOVEL PERAHU KERTAS BY DEWI LESTARI (DEE). Other thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

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